Vadegal basadi

The temple which stands on a lofty terrace  with a high flight of steps leading up to a shrine is called Vadegal Basadi. It is called Vadegal Basadi because of the Vadegals or stone props that have been used for strengthening the basement walls. This Basadi is also known as Trikutabasadi by reason of it having three cells. It is a fine granite structure of the Hoysala period with a plain exterior. The basadi consists of three cells, three open sukhanasis with a common navaranga and a mukhamantapa. The navaranga pillars are cylindrical in shape and the central ceiling has a lotus pendant. The main cell contains a fine statue of 1st Tearthankara Lord Adinatha with a well carved prabhavali, flanked by male chamara bearers. The left cell has the statue of 22nd Teerthankara Lord Neminatha and the right a cell has the statue of 16th Teerthankara Lord Shantinatha. Adinatha or Vrishabhanatha was the first among the twenty-four Jinas. He is also known as Purudeva. He was the father of Gommateshwara or Bhagawan Bahubali.