Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Scheme and Syllabus of 2010-11 Scheme
Scheme of Choice Based Credit System 2015 Scheme
Scheme of lll to lV Semester
Syllabus of V to Vl Semester
Scheme of Open Electives in V to Vl Semester
Scheme of Vll to Vlll Semester
Syllabus of Choice Based Credit System 2015 Scheme
Syllabus of lll Semester
Syllabus of lV Semester
Syllabus of V Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in V Semester
Syllabus of Vl Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in Vl Semester
Syllabus of Vll Semester
Syllabus of VlllSemester
Syllabus of lll Semester
Syllabus of lV Semester
Syllabus of V Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in V Semester
Syllabus of Vl Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in Vl Semester
Syllabus of Vll Semester
Syllabus of VlllSemester
Scheme and Syllabus of Choice Based Credit System 2017 Scheme
Scheme of lll to Vlll Semester
Scheme of Open Electives in V and Vl Semester
Syllabus of lll to Vlll Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in V Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in Vl Semester
Scheme of lll to Vlll Semester
Scheme of Open Electives in V and Vl Semester
Syllabus of lll to Vlll Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in V Semester
Syllabus of Open Electives in Vl Semester